
Effect of Rahu Ketu Transit on your Moon Sign

Rahu & Ketu is going to transit into sign Pisces and Virgo respectively from 31st October 2023. Both Rahu and Ketu are known to bring drastic change and revolution in various aspects of life whether, it is a career, finance, relationship, family or even health.

While Rahu signifies the future prospects in life, on the other hand, Ketu exhibits the past deeds and experiences. They are known to be unpredictable that makes it tough to predict what they would hold for a person in their life.

With the placement of Rahu and Ketu in various houses of the moon sign, explore what effect does Rahu and Ketu transit will have on your life.

In order to understand the impact of Rahu and Ketu, we have to examine with which other planets and houses they are associated in the natal chart.

To know, what role Rahu & Ketu is going transit into Pisces and Virgo respectively plays for you according to your moon sign, starting from 31st October 2023, free of cost, you just need to be our registered member.

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