Appropriate Remedy for Negative Planets
Planetary Yantras have been recommended by astrologers as remedial measures to help balance, give strength and calm the energies of different planets. It is recommended to protect the person from negative effects of inauspicious planet. If the inauspicious planet is placed in favorable position, then an individual definitely need to worry about it and in such situation, Yantra has been recommended which protects the individual from the strong effect of inauspicious debiliated planet.
The Planetary Yantras features two distinct sides. One side of yantras bears the diagram/impression of the relevant Yantra, while the other side is the Numerical representation of its own planet sign.
From time immemorial, Vedic Astrology has done its best to make us aware of the planetary influences on our lives as well as the remedial power to help us balance the planetary influences and the ways to improve them. It is said that the 'Deva' (Gods) or Devis (Deities or Goddesses) reside in the Yantra and by performing 'Pooja', the act of worshiping the Yantra, one can appease the Deities, remove the malefic effects of planets and increase the flow of positive influences.
It increases vitality, success ratio and overall intellect. It lessens anger and egoism. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Sun in their Natal Chart.
It brings better insight, love of home and family and emotional stability. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Moon in their Natal Chart.
It increases audacity, sportsmanship and determination. It helps with marital problems and divorce, violence and debts. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Mars in their Natal Chart.
It helps in communicating and learning. Lack of concentration, restlessness, nervous disorders, and eccentric behavior can all be decreased with this yantra. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Mercury in their Natal Chart.
It brings generosity, joy, concentration and fertility. It is beneficial for children, creativity and meditation. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Jupiter in their Natal Chart.
It makes individuals more loving, friendly, artistic, popular and leads to a good marriage. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Venus in their Natal Chart.
It decreases loneliness, depression, isolation and suffering. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Saturn in their Natal Chart.
It increases popularity, fame and power. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Rahu in their Natal Chart.
It increases spirituality, healing, helps with perception, mysterious illnesses, allergies, concentration and liberation. It is the only appropriate and most powerful protection for people who have debilitated Ketu in their Natal Chart.