Instant Manglik Check of your Horoscope
Do you know what is the meaning of Manglik? According to Vedic Astrology, when the planet Mars is located in certain houses of the horoscope, it casts malefic influences on various aspects of that person. A person having such an afflicted Mars status is known as a Manglik or person with Mangal Dosha. This condition is also called the Kuja Dosha or the Bhauma Dosha. Western Astrology also recognizes the ill effects of Mars afflictions on marriages.
Kuja Dosha is a strong regulator of marital harmony. Lots of youngsters or their parents face difficulties to find a suitable match for marriage or due to the long delay to get married. Sometimes we find disharmony in married life due to unwanted conflicts on petty issues. Having a Manglik/Mangal Dosha in the birth chart could be a possible reason for such cases.
However, when a marriage is solemnized without consulting the charts and one of the spouses is a Manglik, the marriage can become rather terrifying and nerve-wracking for both partners since they would not be able to pinpoint the reason for the malaise in the relationship and factors affecting it.
Are you a Manglik? Are you also facing problem to find out a suitable life partner to get married or facing breakups/obstacles in relationships to make it sustainable for long? Or you are facing a lack of harmony in married life, then there is a strong possibility that either of the partners is having a Manglik Horoscope. You will get to know the Manglik status check through this Online Manglik Check Report for yourself as well as for your partner.