
Shani Sade Sati in your Birth Chart
Calculate Sade Sati During Saturn Transit 2023

Our anticipation and life goals remain unfulfilled, if we fail to accomplish tasks on time and with perfection. It is interesting to note that Shani Sade Sati governs our life. For an ambitious, passionate and goal- oriented professional, there is no place for negativities and looking behind. Most often to break egoistic tendencies, overcome negativities and impulsive selfish actions; Saturn creates doubts, depression and makes him learn a lesson in life.

If we could identify the real cause behind our misery, we would be better in a position to fight against it! Planet Saturn, what we call Shani can create opportunities or challenges in our path to success, be it personal or professional life. Shani's Sade Sati during Saturn transit 2023 is one of the most terrible phases for a person’s life and one has to undergo this deadly period. However, Saturn has transited into Aquarius now which means some will fall under Shani Sade Sati and for others this phase will get over. So this time period will bring with itself both opportunity & challenges.

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