Western astrologer calculates precise aspects between different planets in the natal chart to decide about the natal promises in a person’s chart. For timing of events in a person’s life, the western astrologer depends on the aspects formed between transiting planets with the natal positions of different planets. As players in the human drama, we respond in some way to all the circumstances we experience in life. The dynamics that define and direct the energy of the circumstances we encounter in life are the planetary aspects; that is, the geometrical angles formed by transiting planets to our natal planets..
The Conjunction: This is occurred when two planets are in the same degree of the same sign are conjunct. The conjunction is a very powerful aspect and it can be very fortunate or very unfortunate depending on which two planets in the chart are conjunct with each other.
The Opposition: The opposition occurs when two planets are 180 degrees apart from each other. Opposition of planets are generally considered to be very challenging or difficult in a person’s life.
The Trine: The trine occurs when two planets are 120 degrees apart from each other. The trine aspect is considered as a very favorable combination. Dynamics of trine is considered to be the most fortunate of aspects it allows the positive energies between the planets to flow uninterrupted without any hindrance.
The Square: The square occurs when two planets are located 90 degrees apart. The square aspect is supposed to be challenging and it signifies major frustrations and obstacles that demand immediate attention.
The Sextile: The sextile is formed when two planets are located 60 degrees apart. This is also a favorable aspect. Unlike trine, a sextile usually represents an opportunity that will eventually lead to a success. These are the primary aspects that western astrologers will definitely analyze for his interpretation.
The Sesquiquadrate: This is considered as an unfavorable aspect and this occurs when two planets are 135 degrees apart from each other. This causes irritation, discord and disharmony with others.
The Semi Sextile: This is considered somewhat favorable aspect and this occurs when two planets are 30 degrees apart. This eventually brings good results but only after lots of efforts and struggle.
The Semi Square: This is considered unfavorable aspect like Square and this occurs when two planets are 15degrees apart from each other.
The Quincunx/Inconjunct: This is also considered as an unfavorable aspect. It gives mixed results and sometimes unexpected misfortunes. This occurs when two planets are 150 degrees apart from each other.
The Vedic Chart and Western charts are different. Vedic chart is based on Sidereal Zodiac where as Western chart is based on Tropical Zodiac. The bottom line of difference between the two systems is that all parameters of planet’s co- ordinates in Western chart will be 23 and half degrees ahead from their co- ordinates in the Vedic chart. There is no point in going into the debate which is more authentic or more accurate. Both systems are means to reach the truth.