Vedic astrology and Indian astrology are the same. It is that Indian science of ancient period which tells us about the positions and motions of the planets with regards to the time and the effect of those positions and movements on a human as well as other species on the Earth. Vedic astrology was introduced hundreds of years ago. Earlier it was based only on the planet's movement but as the time passed introduction of zodiac sign was also done. In accordance to the Vedic astrology, there are twenty-seven constellations which are composed of twelve zodiac sign, nine planets and twelve houses and each house is represented by each planet and the effect of those on the life of a human.
The twelve signs are distributed in the twelve houses and the placement of nine planets in different houses is done according to the birth time of a person. This type of distribution of the planets in different houses is termed as the chart of horoscope. Therefore Vedic or Indian astrology is nothing, just interpreting these types of arrangement’s meaning and the effect on the human as well as other beings.