Guru Kumhar Shishya Kumbh Hai, Gadhi Gadhi Kadhe Khot Antar Hath Sahar De, Bahar Mare Chot |
Guru is the Potter, disciple is the (unbaked) pot Gives Shape and cures the flaws with care Protecting (always) with palm from inside While pounding the pot from outside |
Kabir, in this Doha tells us the quality of a good teacher, the Guru. 'Guru' holds a supreme significance. Guru is a person with revered personality, who by his teachings enlightens us and introduces us to the vast world of knowledge.
Guru Poornima is a festival celebrated by Hindu & Buddhists. The Sanskrit root GUH means darkness or ignorance, Ru denoted the remover of that darkness ,Therefore one who removes darkness of our ignorance is a Guru, he only removes our ultimate darkness known as Maya and one who inspires & guides us towards the path of good realization is the true Guru.
On this day disciplines offer pooja or pay respect to their Guru. It falls on the day of full moon in the month of Ashaadh. Traditionally the festival is celebrated by Buddhists in the honor of lord Buddha who after attaining enlightenment , left Uruvela, travelled to the Isipatana to join and teach his followers. Thus he gave his first sermon on this day at Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh,India. He went to them because, using his spiritual powers, he had seen that his former companions would be able to understand Dharma quickly once he preaches them.
While Hindus celebrate it in the honor of the great sage Vyasa, one of the greatest Guru in ancient Hindu tradition & a symbol of the guru shishya tradition. Vyasa was not only believed to have been born of this day,but also started writing the Brahma sutras on Ashadha Sudha padyami which ends on this day, hence recitation of these sutras are organized on this day as a dedication to him and thus it is also known as Vyasa Poornima.
He is the Adi Guru of the Hindu Dharma who classified the four Vedas, wrote the eighteen puranas, the Mahabharata,Shrimad Bhagavata Gita, even taught Dattatraya, who is regarded as Guru of Gurus. This day is of deep significance to the farmer for it heralds the sitting in of much need of rain, as the event of cool shower in fresh life in the fields.
It is a good time to begin your spiritual lesson, spiritual seekers commence to intensify their spiritual sadhana from this day. Vyasa Pooja is held at various temples, where floral offering & symbolic gifts are given away in his honor & that of the Satguru.
The period 'Chaturmas' ("four months") begins from this day. In the past, wandering spiritual masters and their disciples used to settle down at a place to study and discourse on the Brahma Sutras composed by Vyasa, and engage themselves in Vedantic discussions. Vipassana meditators practiced meditation on this day under the guidance of their teachers. Rainy season i.e. varsha vassa also starts with this day and lasts for three lunar months from July to October. During this time Buddhist monks remain in a single place, generally in their temples. In some monasteries, monks dedicate the Vassa to intensive meditation. During Vassa, many Buddhist lay people reinvigorate their spiritual training and adopt more ascetic practices, such as giving up meat, alcohol, or smoking.