“Karma Pradhan VishwaRachiRakha”, an inspirational line by sant Tulsidas, in Ramcharit Manas, supports the significance of karma or action in the life of a person. It is also said that, “action speaks louder than words”.
Whatever is spoken in words endeavors to find its way towards action. If the words don't take concrete shape in the form of action, it lies dormant and bears no fruit. All we have in our hand is to take action, to fulfill our wishes but the outcome of that is not in our control. However, that doesn't mean we become passive. On the contrary, in engaging some kind of activity itself leads to numerous paths of success. No action goes futile, even the thought of the action in the mind carries a certain kind of energy, ready to take shape in the form of manifestation.
Bhagwat Gita also upholds the value of action, clearly stating in the well versed shloka (करमानेंयावाधिकारस्तेमाफलेशूकदाचन…)which enforces the supremacy of action. Here, Lord Krishna clearly mentions that you have a right to perform your duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action or the outcome. So to say that imparting our duty is of utmost importance, never having attachment to the results.
Now, the question arises, which action is to be taken, when is the right time to take action and how to take action. All the answers to these questions are hidden inside everyone of us. The actions that are more aligned to our inner self, the deeds that complement our core values, the thoughts and feelings that make our inner being soar high are the actions arisen from our true calling. After that the inner urge becomes irresistible and takes the shape of action itself. By rational thinking and fully comprehending the outcome one becomes equipped with the discernment of right action at the right time in the right way. It is said, “Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile. So, both of these are complementary to one another to get the best result.
Thus, karma is first formed by our inner desire, followed by our inner thinking, inner willingness, inner activity and then external activity. The karma accumulates and develops in time.As everything in the universe has its own perfect timing so is the unfolding of action. Have faith in yourself, trust the ways of the universe and perform your duty well.
Let's tread on the righteous path with the right action!
With warm regards
Team Cyber Astro