astrology articles

Impact of Five Planets on different Vedic Birth Ascendants


By- Pradeep Kumar
Principal Astrologer

The planets keep on moving in the zodiac and this phenomenon is known as “planetary transit”. Five planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus would be transiting in the sign Taurus on 5thJune 2024. This transiting movement of five planets in a sign may be assumed as a rare happening from astrological point of view. The combination of these five planets influence people having different Vedic birth ascendants in different ways. As a matter of fact, Taurus, the second sign in the zodiac, is ruled by the planet Venus. This is considered as the sign of stability and related to materialistic things.

Following are the possible results of this unique planetary combination that may be experienced by the people having different birth ascendants.

Aries Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in second house in the birth charts of people having Aries ascendant. This house represents accumulation of wealth, family and speech. The conjunction of five planets in this house might cast influence on matters related to finance, concerns related to family members and communication. Therefore, people having Aries birth ascendant may anticipate improvements in financial matters such as investments and savings. This appears to be afavorablecombination for enjoying bonding with family members and for getting issue/s resolved.

Taurus Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in first house in birth charts of those having Taurus birth ascendant. This indicates that the conjunction of five planets would take place in the first house in their birth chart. This is the house of self, personality and physical appearance. There might be development of a feeling for self-transformation, changing your appearance or lifestyle. You mayupgrade yourself and make those plans according to what you want. The planets may support you in being a nice person. You may also like to participate in activities that prove to make you feel healthy and energetic.

Gemini Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in the twelfthhouse in the birth chart of people born with Gemini birth ascendant. This house represents spirituality, solitude and subconscious mind. Strong sense of spiritual practices like meditation, reflection and retreat mayalso be observed followed by time spent in solitude giving rise to more opportunities for introspection. Focusing on your intuition and visions might give some answers by insights.

Cancer Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in the eleventhhouse in the birth chart of people born with Cancer birth ascendant. This house represents income, gains, friends, aspirations etc.They may derive some gains from uninformed through social circles during this transit. So, build your friend circle strong. This appears to be good time for socializing and networking, aligning yourself with long term goals and dreams. This would further support you towards your ambition.

Leo Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in tenth house in the birth chart of people born with Leo birth ascendant. This house represents professional career and status. The combination of five planets might influence professional life in positive way followed by enhancement in public image. So, focusing on righteous behavior and discernment is of utmost importance. More responsibilities are a natural part of growth. Embrace it for advancement in overall growth in professional career.

Virgo Ascendant


For those born with Virgo ascendant, the sign Taurus falls in the ninth house. This house represents higher learning, spirituality and long travel. This appears to be an opportunity to boost academic preparations or making plans to take off some new direction. Focusing on spiritual practices and philosophical aspirations may enable you to see beyond and grow. In this journey of growth, long distance travel might offer a new sense and perspective that might be enriching in several ways.

Libra Ascendant


For people born with Libra birth ascendant, the sign Taurus falls in the eighth house.The house represents transformation and shared resources. There is likely to be a personal transformation leading to delving into deep seated issues. Finances, investment and joint funds and those of shared resources need utmost care. Some secrets might come to surface demanding to deal with honesty and integrity.

Scorpio Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in seventh house in the birth chart of people born with Scorpio ascendant.This is the sign of relationship, partnership and marriage. This transit may influence relationships that are personal as well as professional. There might be need to keep quality relationships in mind. Special attention must be paid to issues relating to romantic/marital relationship.You may work towards building better relationship with your spouse. Collaborative projects and ventures may give encouraging results. Alliance with likeminded people may serve your long term interests.

Sagittarius Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in sixth house in the birth chart of those born with Sagittarius birth ascendant. This house represents disputes, debts, diseases and service. Therefore, you should pay attention towards your health. As far as possible, try to keep yourself engaged in activities that can boost overall health. Optimizingyour daily routine and habits may enhance efficiency and productivity.Service based jobs and assisting others would be beneficial.

Capricorn Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in fifth house in the birth chart of people born with Capricorn ascendant.This house representsintelligence, emotions, creativity, children and romance. This appears to be the time to get yourself indulged in creative pursuits that can show your talent and creative potential. The activities for the welfare of children may be performed. You may find this to be the time to invest in loving relationships, as this is time to shine as well as for the growth of such relationships.

Aquarius Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in fourth house in the birth chart of people born with Aquarius ascendant. This house represents domestic life and emotional roots. This would be the time for focusing on the matters related to your domestic front for a better living environment. Renovation of house may also be undertaken. Emotional stability and resilience may also increase bringing emotional comfort.

Pisces Ascendant


The sign Taurus falls in third house in the birth chart of those born with people born with Pisces birth ascendant. This is the house of communication, younger siblings and short travels. This indicates that paying attention towards improvement of communication skills might become necessary prerequisite. You should try to maintain harmonious relations or strengthen the bond with younger siblings.Undertaking short travels might be advantageous and pleasant.