Do you know what your birth date say about you? Do you often wonder why people born in the same month are different? Well! This blog has the answer to all your questions regarding the concept of Numerology. Numbers play a very important role in today’s life and even in previous times too. Without them one can never know what day of the month is it or when were you born! Just think, instead of saying that you were born on 2nd October, you say I was born in autumn season. How confusing would that be! Right? We can never imagine our life without numbers. We use them each day in one or the other way. Numbers have made our life easy and simple. Have you heard of Numerology? Numerology is the study or science of numbers that helps in tracing or predicting the life of a person. Numerology is based on the Birth date and Name of the person.
For example, if you are born on 16th November, your numerology number would be 7 after adding 1 and 6 together. There are 9 single digit numbers and 2 master numbers in this form of astrology. Numbers from 1 to 9 are the single digits and the other that are known as the master numbers are 11 and 22. Now that you know the process of finding your number just by adding the double digits to form a single digit and single digit birth date remains the same, you can easily get a prediction with the help of the numerologist.
Number 1 (The Leader): You fall in this number if you are born on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th of the month. People under this are the born leaders. They know how to direct and control people under you. People tend to be very independent and stubborn under this. They are the most powerful and influential people.
Number 2 (The Creator): You fall under this number if you are born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of the month. People born under this are the motivators and creators. They Listen to everybody and believes in the concept of making peace everywhere. They understand the stories of both the sides. People are often seen to be very emotional and sensitive.
Number 3 (The Communicator): You fall under this number if you are born on 3rd, 12th, 21st and 30th of the month. People born under this are good speakers and communicate their message in a better way. They are creative and express their feeling easily. Their charming personality is a gift from god. People tend to be disciplined and follow a routine for a balanced life.
Number 4 (The Realist): You fall under this number if you are born on 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st of the month. People born under this are great at giving advice and also known to be problem solvers. They are trustworthy and down to earth people. They are also shy in social gatherings but are very organized.
Number 5 (The Talented): You fall under this number if you are born on 5th, 14th and 23rd of the month. People under this are considered to be very adventurous and progressive. For them, freedom is the utmost priority and they live in the moment. They are the risk takers but are found to be irresponsible too.
Number 6 (The Responsible): You fall under this number if you are born on 6th, 15th and 24th of the month. People under this are the caretakers and the responsible one. They are good at bonding people together in situation of conflicts and troubles. People under this are very loyal often care for other people.
Number 7 (The Expert): You fall under this number if you are born on 7th, 16th and 25th of the month. People born under this are very wise. Their optimism is what inspires people around them. They also tend t have strong intuition power and appear to be peaceful despite of various thoughts going in their mind. They love to be alone with themselves.
Number 8 (The Balancer): You fall under this number if you are born on 8th, 17th and 26th of the month. People under this are great at balancing things in their life. They are ambitious and business minded people. They are good at judging people and are the material lovers. They are also frank and honest.
Number 9 (The Humanitarian): You fall under this number if you are born on 9th, 19th and 27th of the month. People under this are very sophisticated and honorable. They are very active for the world around you and are fortunate. They are very compassionate humanitarian and are very connecting with everyone.
Number 11 (The Intuitive): People born on 11th fall under this. They are very emotional and intuitive. They are genuinely kind and possess warmth. They are internally shy and nervous. People perceive them as a very gentle soul or spirit. They value and respect themselves.
Number 22 (The Hard Worker): People born on 22nd fall under this. They are very balanced and believe in work hard play hard. They tend to be practical and put in lot of efforts in everything. They never give credit or recognize themselves for their strong energies.
If you wish to get a future prediction for your life based on the numerology you Can order Personalized yearly prediction Report